Open activities
Dalkeith Dino Trail- Prize Survey
Dino Trail Quiz Filling out the answers to the Dino questions wil give you the chance to win one of the 100 toy brick velociraptor kits available to be won! Participants can choose to answer questions as they follow the trail by saving the quiz as you go along, or complete once finished -...
Closes 16 February 2025
Midlothian Attendance Strategy
As part of the Midlothian Attendance Strategy we are looking to find out about attendance in our Early Years settings. We would be really grateful if you could complete this very short survey (only 6 questions, mostly yes / no answers) to help us inform policy and find out how we can improve...
Closes 28 February 2025
Development Plan Scheme 17 - Draft for Consultation
This is the Development Plan Scheme for Midlothian Number 17 (DPS17) draft for consultation. The DPS sets out Midlothian Council’s programme for preparing the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). The DPS also includes a Participation Statement, which outlines proposed future engagement...
Closes 14 March 2025
Improving travel connections along the A7 corridor to make it easier to walk, wheel or cycle and connect with public transport
We have commissioned Stantec to carry out a study into active travel and sustainable transport improvements on the A7 corridor between Sheriffhall Park and Ride and Main Street in Newtongrange. The aim of the project is to improve active travel connections within the study area making it...
Closes 30 March 2025
Midlothian Employability Services - 2024
The Scottish Government has given our Local Employability Partnership (LEP) funding to support people to get a job, or get a better job, and to support employers to give paid experiences to local people. We offer this support across Midlothian through the Council and our partners. If you have...
Closes 31 March 2025
Self-Build Housing Register
The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (Section 16E) requires planning authorities to prepare and maintain a list of people interested in acquiring land in the Authority’s area for self-build housing, and to publish that information. Self-build housing is...
Closes 31 December 2026
Closed activities
Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 – Consultation on Draft Delivery Programme 2025-2027
A draft Delivery Programme covering the period 2025-2027 for the Midlothian Local Development Plan 2017 (MLDP 2017) has been prepared. It can be viewed through the link in the green box below. It can also be viewed at Midlothian Council libraries. The Delivery Programme is a requirement...
Closed 14 February 2025
Development Plan Scheme 16
This is the approved Development Plan Scheme Number 16 (DPS16) for Midlothian. The DPS sets out Midlothian Council’s programme for preparing the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). The DPS also includes a Participation Statement, which outlines future engagement on MLDP2. A...
Closed 13 February 2025
A Parents/Carers View- Family Learning
The purpose of this survey is to gather information to support the Family Learning mapping process to identify what supports and Family Learning opportunities are available across Midlothian.
Closed 12 February 2025
Equality Outcomes 2025-2029
Working together the local councils, health services and health and social care partnerships in Lothian have identified ways to improve our services, improve people’s life chances, eliminate discrimination and foster good relations. Your views will help us know if these are what we...
Closed 31 January 2025
Equality Outcomes 2025-2029 - short
Local councils, health services and health and social care partnerships in Lothian are looking for ways to improve their services. Please tell us what you think of our ideas. Please don’t tell us anything that could identify you or anyone you care for. You can read our privacy...
Closed 31 January 2025
We asked, you said, we did
Below are outcomes for some of the issues we've recently asked about.
We asked
About resurfacing the Core Path/NCN 196 between Rosewell and Auchendinny.
You said
A total of 31.6% of the 746 respondents would be comfortable with alternative bound surfaces (Flexipave is an ‘alternative bound surface’ as are materials such as Tarmac), and 21.4% of respondents supported the proposed resin-bound surface, which again includes Flexipave.
We did
The path will be upgraded using Flexipave, an environmentally friendly material made from recycled tyre rubber and natural stone.
Work is scheduled to begin in the week beginning Monday 16 September.
For safety, that stretch of path will be closed for six to eight weeks while the work is carried out.
Preparation work is due to start on Thursday 22 August. It will take three to four weeks during which time the path will remain open.
While there are no current plans to install lighting, the preparatory work will include measures that would allow us to do so in future.
The council will try to minimise the time the path is closed if at all possible. Many thanks for your patience.
If you have any further queries regarding the resurfacing, please email
As communities in Midlothian grow there is an increasing need for safe, high-quality active travel routes linking local communities, placing greater significance on upgrading National Cycle Network (NCN) route 196, which forms part of Midlothian’s Core Path network running between Penicuik and Dalkeith, and onwards to Haddington and NCN route 1.
The council anticipates that the improvement and modernisation of the Core Path route NCN 196 will provide a broader range of community users the access to enjoy a superior pathway and the accompanying outdoor space.
No new sections of pathway are proposed, and works are not anticipated to take place out with the current width of the pathway corridor. Resurfacing this section of route NCN196 will provide a continuous good quality path from Dalkeith to Penicuik and will future-proof the route for years to come.