Have your say

Welcome! This site shows you opportunities to get involved and have your say on things that matter to you.

Live and recently updated activities are displayed below or you can search the full list of activities by keyword, postcode, interest and more.

Open activities

  • Penicuik Town Hall Tales - your Town Hall story

    We are seeking memories of the Cowan Institute/Penicuik Town Hall in years past and even more recent times! You can submit memories from you, your family or friends. 'Cowan Institute' or Penicuik Town Hall or was gifted by the Cowan Papermaking family to the town as a workers institute in...

    Closes 31 December 2024

  • Children & Families Service Survey

    Children's Services are conducting an employee survey to help understand your views on what is working well and what could improve. There is no obligation to complete the survey but your voice is central to understanding where we are and making plans about how the service moves forward. ...

    Closes 31 December 2024

  • Healthy Reading Bookclub - Your views

    Are you looking for new ways to improve your health and well-being? Would you like to meet with others and explore self-help and information books, online sources, and literature? Our aim is to stimulate learning and discussion and foster a supportive group. Whether you’re dealing with a specific...

    Closes 17 January 2025

  • Lasswade High School Childcare Service Consultation

    We want to hear your views on the proposal to close Lasswade High School Childcare Service. The statutory consultation begins on Friday 29 November 2024 and ends on Friday 24 January 2025. The proposals are: Lasswade High School Childcare Service will close in...

    Closes 24 January 2025

  • Equality Outcomes 2025-2029

    Working together the local councils, health services and health and social care partnerships in Lothian have identified ways to improve our services, improve people’s life chances, eliminate discrimination and foster good relations. Your views will help us know if these are what we...

    Closes 31 January 2025

  • Development Plan Scheme 16

    This is the approved Development Plan Scheme Number 16 (DPS16) for Midlothian. The DPS sets out Midlothian Council’s programme for preparing the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). The DPS also includes a Participation Statement, which outlines future engagement on MLDP2. A...

    Closes 1 March 2025

  • Midlothian Employability Services - 2024

    The Scottish Government has given our Local Employability Partnership (LEP) funding to support people to get a job, or get a better job, and to support employers to give paid experiences to local people. We offer this support across Midlothian through the Council and our partners. If you have...

    Closes 31 March 2025

  • Self-Build Housing Register

    The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (Section 16E) requires planning authorities to prepare and maintain a list of people interested in acquiring land in the Authority’s area for self-build housing, and to publish that information. Self-build housing is...

    Closes 31 December 2026

Closed activities

  • Integration Joint Board's Strategic Plan

    The Midlothian Integration Joint Board write a Strategic Plan every 3 years to plan how we will work with people, communities, the Third and Independent Sector, and services that provide care and support to contribute to people in Midlothian living well in their community. Please share your views...

    Closed 30 November 2024

  • Midlothian Parental Survey of Out of School Hours Childcare Provision for Children Aged 4+ - Oct 2024

    We are seeking the views of parents and carers on the accessibility, availability and use of out of school hours childcare provision for children aged 4+ in Midlothian. This includes paid care such as After School Clubs and childminders and any other out of school hours childcare you currently use,...

    Closed 22 November 2024

  • Tell us how our savings proposals impact you

    Midlothian Council faces rising costs for delivering public services. We are facing a budget gap of £9.406 million in 2025/26 rising to a projected £20.645 million by 2028/29. Some extremely difficult decisions will need to be made to balance our budget. We want to hear your views to help us decide...

    Closed 20 November 2024

  • Questionnaire for partners and volunteers delivering CLD (youth work, adult learning and community development) activities in Midlothian

    We are required to have a Community Learning and Development (CLD) Plan for Midlothian that reflects the work of all organisations who deliver CLD activities. This will identify our priorities and actions for the period of September 2024 to end September 2027. As part of this process,...

    Closed 31 October 2024

  • Local Development Plan 2 Activity - Propose Ideas and Opportunities for MLDP2

    The purpose of this questionnaire is to encourage anyone who has not already done so, to submit any idea which does not relate to a specific site for the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). It is open to anyone to propose ideas for any other aspect of the plan. A summary of the topics...

    Closed 1 October 2024

We asked, you said, we did

Below are outcomes for some of the issues we've recently asked about.

We asked

About resurfacing the Core Path/NCN 196 between Rosewell and Auchendinny.

You said

A total of 31.6% of the 746 respondents would be comfortable with alternative bound surfaces (Flexipave is an ‘alternative bound surface’ as are materials such as Tarmac), and 21.4% of respondents supported the proposed resin-bound surface, which again includes Flexipave. 

We did

The path will be upgraded using Flexipave, an environmentally friendly material made from recycled tyre rubber and natural stone.

Work is scheduled to begin in the week beginning Monday 16 September. 

For safety, that stretch of path will be closed for six to eight weeks while the work is carried out. 

Preparation work is due to start on Thursday 22 August. It will take three to four weeks during which time the path will remain open. 

While there are no current plans to install lighting, the preparatory work will include measures that would allow us to do so in future. 

The council will try to minimise the time the path is closed if at all possible. Many thanks for your patience. 

If you have any further queries regarding the resurfacing, please email contactcentre@midlothian.gov.uk


As communities in Midlothian grow there is an increasing need for safe, high-quality active travel routes linking local communities, placing greater significance on upgrading National Cycle Network (NCN) route 196, which forms part of Midlothian’s Core Path network running between Penicuik and Dalkeith, and onwards to Haddington and NCN route 1.

The council anticipates that the improvement and modernisation of the Core Path route NCN 196 will provide a broader range of community users the access to enjoy a superior pathway and the accompanying outdoor space.

No new sections of pathway are proposed, and works are not anticipated to take place out with the current width of the pathway corridor. Resurfacing this section of route NCN196 will provide a continuous good quality path from Dalkeith to Penicuik and will future-proof the route for years to come.