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Welcome! This site shows you opportunities to get involved and have your say on things that matter to you.

Live and recently updated activities are displayed below or you can search the full list of activities by keyword, postcode, interest and more.

Open activities

  • The Visitor Levy for Midlothian: Business, Resident and Visitor Survey

    Similar to many European cities, including Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Barcelona, and Berlin, Scotland is considering a Visitor Levy. We are seeking the opinion of businesses, residents, and visitors regarding Midlothian's opportunity to implement a Visitor Levy, also known as a tourist tax. ...

    Closes 28 August 2024

  • Questionnaire for partners and volunteers delivering CLD (youth work, adult learning and community development) activities in Midlothian

    We are required to have a Community Learning and Development (CLD) Plan for Midlothian that reflects the work of all organisations who deliver CLD activities. This will identify our priorities and actions for the period of September 2024 to end September 2027. As part of this process,...

    Closes 30 August 2024

  • Business Gateway Midlothian Retail Survey 2024

    This Survey aims to gather information on current trading conditions and identify the types of support that would benefit retail businesses in Midlothian.

    Closes 30 September 2024

  • Local Development Plan 2 Activity - Propose Ideas and Opportunities for MLDP2

    The purpose of this questionnaire is to encourage anyone who has not already done so, to submit any idea which does not relate to a specific site for the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). It is open to anyone to propose ideas for any other aspect of the plan. A summary of the topics...

    Closes 1 October 2024

  • Local Development Plan 2 Activity - Propose Site for Protection from Development

    Local Development Plans set out how places will change into the future, including where development should and shouldn’t happen. Plans also identify the places and buildings we value and want to protect. There are already a wide range of places and buildings protected through the 2017 Midlothian...

    Closes 1 October 2024

  • Local Development Plan 2 Activity - Propose Site for Development

    When selecting sites for development, the Council will consider a range of factors and will use a variety of datasets to make recommendations to Elected Members (Councillors) on those for inclusion in the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). The Council will use its Site Selection M...

    Closes 1 October 2024

  • Penicuik Town Hall Tales - your Town Hall story

    We are seeking memories of the Cowan Institute/Penicuik Town Hall in years past and even more recent times! You can submit memories from you, your family or friends. 'Cowan Institute' or Penicuik Town Hall or was gifted by the Cowan Papermaking family to the town as a workers institute in...

    Closes 31 December 2024

  • Development Plan Scheme 16

    This is the approved Development Plan Scheme Number 16 (DPS16) for Midlothian. The DPS sets out Midlothian Council’s programme for preparing the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). The DPS also includes a Participation Statement, which outlines future engagement on MLDP2. A...

    Closes 1 March 2025

  • Midlothian Employability Services - 2024

    The Scottish Government has given our Local Employability Partnership (LEP) funding to support people to get a job, or get a better job, and to support employers to give paid experiences to local people. We offer this support across Midlothian through the Council and our partners. If you have...

    Closes 31 March 2025

Closed activities

  • Active travel survey

    We want to hear your views on the latest draft of ‘On the Move Midlothian: Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone’, a copy of which you can download on this page (see related documents). The draft active travel strategy, which includes measurable and achievable targets, focuses on...

    Closed 22 July 2024

  • Healthy Reading Bookclub

    Are you looking for new ways to improve your health and well-being? Would you like to meet with others and explore self-help and information books, online sources, and literature? Our aim is to stimulate learning and discussion and foster a supportive group. Whether you’re dealing with a specific...

    Closed 16 July 2024

  • Digital Waste Tracking

    Are you prepared for Digital Waste Tracking (due to be implemented from April 2025)? Please share any issues / concerns associated with implementing this mandatory service in your Local Authority area.

    Closed 25 June 2024

  • Review of the Midlothian Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils

    On Tuesday 26 March 2024, Councillors approved a proposal to consult on an amended Midlothian Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils . This first stage will involve a public consultation on proposed changes to rules around how Community Councils are set up and operate in Midlothian....

    Closed 24 May 2024

  • Midlothian Early Learning and Childcare Parent/Carer Consultation 2024

    Midlothian Council is seeking the views of parents and carers with pre-school children, to ensure we provide a high-quality Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) service that is responsive to the changing needs of our local communities. For the purposes of this survey we define: ...

    Closed 17 May 2024