Integration Joint Board's Strategic Plan

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Closes 30 Nov 2024

Your views on our plan

1. Did you find our plan easy to understand?
2. Did the plan explain who the Integration Joint Board is and what we do?
3. Does our plan support our vision to enable people to lead longer and healthier lives?
4. Does our plan support our mission to provide the right support at the right time in the right place?
5. Do you think our plan is clear about how we will achieve our first Strategic Aim? That aim is that people feel able to make good decisions that help them stay well, plan ahead and prevent ill or worsening health.
6. Do you feel we will be able to achieve this aim?
7. Do you think our plan is clear about how we will achieve our second Strategic Aim? That aim is that people are able to access the care and support they need when they need it in the community and at home.
8. Do you feel we will be able to achieve this aim?
9. Do you think our plan is clear about how we will achieve our third Strategic Aim? That aim is that people's human, social and economic rights are protected and promoted in how we design and deliver our services.
10. Do you feel we will be able to achieve this aim?
11. What is good about our plan?
12. What is missing from our plan?
13. In our plan we use the word ‘people’ to describe everyone who uses our health and care services, or cares for someone who does. This is instead of other words such as patients, service users or clients. Are you happy with the use of the word people?
14. If not, do you have another word you think would be more appropriate?