Tell us how our savings proposals impact you

Closes 20 Nov 2024

Place savings proposals continued

What services do we propose to reduce?

Reduce how often grass is cut in towns and villages

Saving: £80,000 in total.

Grass would still be cut in rural verges to retain visibility for motorists. However, grass in built up areas near housing would be cut three times a year instead of the current 12 times a year.

Reduce the maintenance budget for council buildings (not council housing)

Saving: £300,000 in total.

Work would still be done to keep the buildings safe and secure only.

Revenues Services – Debt Recovery and Pre-Paid Cards.

Customers would get pre-loaded charge cards for crisis and welfare grants, making it easier for them to access funds while also cutting admin and debt recovery costs for the council.

Workforce overtime

Overtime, agency and fixed term contracts to be reviewed to make better use of staff and cut costs by, for example, recruiting for more permanent posts rather than relying on fixed-term contracts.

Review workforce iTRENT and Talentlink use

Improve the functionality of online business support systems to streamline processes and reduce manual intervention. 

Digital Assets - software review

The review is looking at making better use of joint procurement arrangements with peers in Lothians and Scotland when buying digital goods or services to get best value for money and improve bulk buying.  A cost benefit analysis is underway on Artificial Intelligence (AI) transcription services that instantly type and summarise interactions, saving time and money. Work is also being done on introducing Microsoft co-pilot licences as part of the Microsoft 365 project to reduce time reading, note taking etc. 

Digital Assets - licence review

Software licences would be reviewed to make sure only required licences are bought and maintained. Anti-virus software would also be reviewed and replaced as part of the Microsoft 365 projects, to realise a cost saving.

Digital Assets – lifecycle Review

Savings would come from extending the lifespan of our digital assets and getting income from securely disposing of old and unused digital assets.

Internal charging for sport and leisure facilities

Charge a commercial rate for other services in the council to use sport and leisure facilities.

Gorebridge facilities

Turn the Gorebridge Leisure Centre into a hub incorporating Gorebridge Library and Birkenside Pavilion as well as the existing leisure facilities and meeting rooms. 

Cleaning council buildings

Stop weekend cleaning at our five hub buildings at Danderhall, Loanhead, Lasswade, Newbattle and the Penicuik Centre. Sport and leisure staff would do minimal tasks like emptying buckets and cleaning toilets. This would save approximately 100 hours of cleaning per week.

Stop the summer clean in our schools, saving approximately 3000 hours of cleaning per year.

Half the cleaning hours on a Friday in the schools, saving approximately 180 hours per week.


11. Please let us know to what extent these options would negatively impact you, by using the scale below.
12. If any of the options impact you because of your protected characteristic please select all that apply. You can find more information about Protected Characteristics in Related Information above. (This information will help with the specific assessment of impact on individuals with a particular protected characteristic, those in socio-economic disadvantage and small business owners.)
13. Please provide comments to explain how the option(s) impacts you. Do not include your name or any other personal information.
14. Do you have any suggestions of how we can reduce the impact of any of the options?
15. Do you have any other suggestions of how we could reduce spend or generate additional income in relation to Place services? Do not include your name or any other personal information.