Tell us how our savings proposals impact you

Closes 20 Nov 2024

Place savings proposals

What services do we propose to transform?

Upfront payments for services – no invoicing

Customers would pay upfront when requesting, ordering or buying a payable service. This will deliver efficiencies and avoid unnecessary administration and debt recovery activity for non- payment. No savings value yet as further work needed on delivering this project.

Redesign community and school library services

Saving: £781,000 in total

Change the way libraries operate by, for example, integrating public and school libraries and making libraries self-service or community operated. Self-service provision is already available out-of-hours at the Lasswade, Newbattle and Loanhead hub libraries.

Community users and staff engagement would be a key part of any next stage in progressing redesign. 

Adopt e-book service

Saving: £150,000 in total

Shift the focus on libraries to online services and do not replace or refresh the books or materials on offer to customers. Library services would shift to other emerging service hub areas as centres of the community. 

Close Roslin library/expand mobile library services

Saving: £28,000 in total

The saving would come from reducing ongoing costs. The site could be sold or rented. As the smallest library, Roslin has space constraints and cannot be turned into a 'one stop shop' incorporating other council services unlike hub libraries at Danderhall etc.

The council is currently looking at using the mobile library to offer 'one stop shop' services in rural communities. Early discussions suggest there is strong interest from partner agencies to take money advice, employability supports and housing advice services into these more rural areas using the mobile library bus. The library service would also offer a drop off/collection service for books, and information sessions and pop up Bookbugs – similar to the services offered in the existing One Stop Shops. 

Vogrie commercialisation

The proposal is in the draft Vogrie Strategy. The proposals would include: glamping; enhancing parking, commercial dog walking licensing; and more events. No value attributed as yet as further work needed to scope project.  

Off market purchasing

Buying buildings that are not on the open market to save money. An example would be buying the last privately-owned flat in a block of otherwise council properties. This would then make it easier to upgrade the entire block etc. Further work needed to scope this project.

Disposal of empty, non-compliant housing

Sell off empty council houses that do not meet national social housing standards and buy new builds and single units in predominantly council-owned blocks.

Midlothian Snowsports Centre

Further develop plans for a hospitality and conference centre; ziplining; mountain biking; play area; supervised creche/soft play; climbing wall; Christmas market and retail village at the Hillend centre.  

Road Services - Joint Venture/ Shared Service

Develop a proposal to identify commercial opportunities with roads services partners.

Waste Services Pre-Treatment Material Recycling Facility (MRF)

Look at setting up a Material Recycling Facility where recycling would be pre-treated to improve its quality. Other authorities and companies would be charged to use the facility. Income would also be generated because higher quality recycling attracts greater values when sold.

Oak Leaf Properties – Private Rent

Develop a proposal to set up a council-owned private rental property company.

Housing Service Contact Channel

Develop a proposal to set up an online portal where tenants can report and track requests such as for council house repairs.

Midlothian contracts

Develop a proposal to set up a council-owned company offering, for example, road, vehicle and winter maintenance services to external agencies and other authorities.  

Restructure senior management

Review senior management to save money.


6. Please let us know to what extent these options would negatively impact you, by using the scale below.
7. If any of the options impact you because of your protected characteristic please select all that apply. You can find more information about Protected Characteristics in Related Information above. (This information will help with the specific assessment of impact on individuals with a particular protected characteristic, those in socio-economic disadvantage and small business owners.)
8. Please provide comments to explain how the option(s) impacts you. Do not include you name or any other personal information.
9. Do you have any suggestions of how we can reduce the impact of any of the options?
10. Do you have any other suggestions of how we could reduce spend or generate additional income in relation to Place services? Do not include your name or any other personal information.